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Josette Silveira Mello Feres

Musical Educator, graduated from the National Conservatory of Canto Orfeônico, in Rio de Janeiro, where she was a student of H. Villa-Lobos. Graduated in Piano by the Conservatory of Music “Carlos Gomes de Campinas”, in Miguel Zigiatti's class. She also took courses, among others, with H. J. Koellreuter, Ernst Mahle, Damiano Cozzella, Violeta H. Gainza. She is the author of “Baby - music and movement” and the book series “Iniciação Musical - brincando, criando e aprendendo” (“Musical Initiation - playing, creating and learning” (Ed. Ricordi). Mrs. Feres has been devoted to music education since 1954, as a teacher of Children's beginning music classes (Iniciação Musical). In 1956, she competed for titles and exams to be a teacher at the official public teaching network of the State of São Paulo, where she taught until her retirement in 1983. Member of the International Society of Music Education, she was invited by the Early Childhood Music Commission to participate in seminars in 1993, in Hungary, and in 1994, in the USA, where she had the opportunity to introduce the methodology of her pedagogical practice to educators around the world. In 1998 she attended the courses “First Steps in Music” and “Conversational Solfege” at the Hartt School - University of Hartford, having Dr. John Feierabend as her advisor. Her work with babies, which also includes children with various types of special needs, aiming at the physical, mental and emotional development of students, through music education with games, dances, movements and musical practices together. Currently, in addition to classes at the Jundiaí School of Music, which she founded in 1971, she teaches courses for music teachers, daycare centers, early childhood and elementary schools.

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